if you’re reading this you’ve probably once fallen into the trap of thinking… if I do more, then I’ll get farther!
Essentially, you think if you add more things to your to-do list, then you’ll reach your goals faster.
Unfortunately, anyone who goes down this path quickly finds…
It’s a struggle to consistently do all the things you put on your to-do list. You may start to realize that you’re consistently not doing the things on your list more than you’re doing them.
But why is that?
You want to do these things. You want to hit these goals.
So why can’t you stay consistent and get things done like you want to?
Here are 3 reasons this keeps happening…
1. You don’t believe the result you’re working towards is possible.
Part of you, deep down, doesn’t believe it.
And when you don’t believe in something, then the effort it takes to do a task doesn’t seem worth it – especially if that task is difficult, time consuming, or outside your comfort zone.
As humans, we avoid the disappointment and displeasure of not getting to the other side of our dream. We unknowingly (or knowingly) self sabotage our progress to protect ourselves from pain.
To resolve this, you have to spend some time considering what pain you’re avoiding, as well as what thoughts and beliefs you have around your goals.
2. You lack prioritization with your schedule and aren’t sure where to put your time and energy.
When you don’t have a plan of where you’re going OR you overestimate your ability to get things done… things start to fall through the cracks.
It can be hard to prioritize as a business owner because everything seems important.
But I want you to remember… it’s not about doing more things. It’s about doing fewer things well.
It’s better for you to do fewer things that bring revenue and results to your business than for you to busy yourself with a lot of tasks that don’t really get you anywhere.
3. You can show up for other people, but you have a difficult time showing up for yourself.
Integrity is one of the most important things as a business owner. If you’re serious about success, it should be one of your highest values.
This means keeping your word and doing what you say you’ll do… even when you only said it to yourself.
It’s so easy to negotiate with yourself when there’s no one around to hold you accountable. But the moment you don’t do what you said you’d do… you begin to lose self trust.
You need to start building that trust back up by making commitments to yourself and taking them seriously.
If you want to get a head start on your goals, then I’d love to invite you to consider which of these reasons applies to you most often.
Where do you get to grow? Let me know!