Ever feel like you’re in an uphill battle with your biz? You push and push, make a bit of ground, score some wins…
But then it doesn’t get any easier the next day?
Maybe you’ve conquered some areas of your biz. You’ve gotten stronger. You’ve seen progress… but that progress is slower than you expected, and it’s starting to take a lot out of you?
I’ve been there before, which is why I want to show you something I wish I’d learned when I was first starting my business.
It would have saved me so much time and effort early on…
It’s the Lead Predictor Formula.
This process helped me understand where I was wasting my time, areas of my biz where I was draining energy…
And how to adjust so I saved time, saved energy, and brought in high-value leads for my business.
Here’s a quick breakdown…
Your Lowest Value Lead = Social Platform Leads
This represents all the leads gained from an external social page – that includes your Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook page.
Social platform followers only had to hit “like,” “subscribe,” or “follow” and that’s it!. There was no buy-in, no skin in the game, so how could they be fully invested?’
Think about it….have you ever clicked “follow” or “like” and never went back to that page again? Or maybe at one point you did an exchange of “a like for a like” on someone’s page or perhaps a friend asked you to follow their page and you did, even though you weren’t interested in what they were selling?
Your Second to Lowest Value Lead = Lead Magnet Leads
A lead magnet is something you give in exchange for someone’s email address. You could offer a checklist, quiz, or some type of handout that solves a small problem for your lead.
In exchange, they give you their contact information – usually their email. This is now a higher value lead than a social follower, because your lead had to give something of theirs first, their email address It was slightly more commitment.
Think about it…have you ever been to a clothing store and at the check out they offer you a one time discount if you register your email address and you do even though you don’t want to?
Or perhaps you saw an ad, signed up for a freebie and immediately unsubscribed after you got it, because you didn’t want to be on another person’s email list?
Your Middle Value Lead = Sales System Leads
A sales system is a mechanism that moves someone from a lead to a buyer. It could be a webinar, video series, challenge, or online event. Or it could be as simple as an enrollment call.
Leads from a sales system are far more valuable than the first two because if someone wants to benefit from your sales system, they have to give you their time. They have to consume it to get the value.
Ok, these are steps 1-3. We’ve got 2 more to go. Your highest value leads, where do they come from?
Find out tomorrow…