When you fail in your business…
Maybe when you miss the mark on a goal, don’t get the result you want, lose a client, don’t get a client, face doubts and fears about your abilities or your business…
Do you recoil and hide? Or do you brush it off and press in?
The reason I’m asking is… when you have a big dream of building a business and then you face a failure, you have to realize this crucial truth:
BELIEF is your #1 business building asset.
Belief in yourself.
Belief in your ability to help others.
And belief in your potential client, the person you are called to guide into transformation.
Without belief, you and your business will fall flat.
There are not enough journalling, meditations, or affirmations out there in the world that can create belief in you.
That’s because belief doesn’t come from behind the computer or inside a book. And it doesn’t just magically appear.
Belief comes from doing.
Belief comes when you face rejection.
Belief comes from having courage and moving forward even when you’re scared.
Belief comes when you are your word even when you don’t feel like it.
Belief is a muscle you get to build and strengthen every time you take that step forward.
You put a notch in your belief belt every time you let go of blame, stop complaining, take responsibility, and step into your power.
As you heal what needs to be healed, overcome what needs to be overcome, and feel what needs to be felt… you start to own it.
You claim it.
And you crush it.
Building this belief muscle is exactly what helped me stop my aimless search for the “magic bullet” solution, jumping from program to program, coach to coach, strategy to strategy.
Building belief paired with a solid vision and strategy unlocked my growth to my 7-figure coaching company.
But keep in mind that, just like a muscle, belief shrinks when you don’t exercise it properly.
Belief erodes every time you mask your feelings, blame others, or jump from idea to idea and from project to project.
So for belief to grow stronger, you get to stand in your hard moments and stay true to your commitments.
Belief comes when you get out there and make your mission bigger than your fear, when you choose to be in service and help others even when it feels like nobody is paying attention to you.
So if you want to build your dream business, then you must stop looking inside yourself for blocks and resistance to dwell upon.
Stop doing “just enough” to tick off the to do list to say you did it… but then complain when it doesn’t work.
Stop sitting idle, waiting for success to miraculously land on your lap, without growing yourself into the person who makes those results inevitable.
You are capable… but capabilities alone won’t get you where you want to go. Belief will.
All those self doubts, perceived blocks, fears… all of this dissolves the moments you focus outward rather than inward.
When you give without expectation…
When you serve from your heart…
When you share your message even when it’s messy…
When you solve problems for others…
That is when belief rushes in.
As you help others, you see how valuable you are.
As you see yourself as more valuable, the more you will show up.
The more you show up, the more people will come to you… and the more people will want to buy from you.
So today, let’s start with something simple. I want to challenge you to help someone. Just one person.
And then tomorrow… do it again.
I don’t care if you haven’t gotten your first client yet or you have a 7-figure business overflowing with clients.
It’s all the same.
We’re all still human.
You’re never too big to get back to humanity.
I still get nervous. I still get anxious. I still get doubtful.
I still react and experience frustration, lack of patience and a few pity party moments.
And the fastest way I shift out of that and back into belief is to connect back to my heart and help my people. Even just one.
Your belief is there, waiting to be unleashed, simply by helping others. Out of your head and into your heart, my friend.
That’s what I call The SHIFT.
Stay tuned… I’ve got something special coming for you soon.