What I wish I knew about business when I started

I used to be obsessed with finding the “magic bullet” to business.

Not that I was lazy (well… maybe some days I could be), but I wanted my coaching business to take off.

I wanted to help more people.

I wanted to lead at the level I knew I was made to.

I wanted to be influential in other people’s lives.

And I wanted to make money to afford the things I wanted without being dependent on anybody else!

So… I dove head first into many different strategies, worked with many different coaches, and bought many different programs. I invested so much – not just money, but time, effort, and energy – that I’m a little embarrassed by it today. (It was so much!)

In the beginning, my passion lit me up. I was full of possibilities, high on the idea of helping people and making a difference.

And, well… I was a little bit obsessed!

My family would certainly tell you that my business was ALL I ever talked about.

I remember I would jump up and down with excitement when something worked.

A client would say, YES!!! and I would be hooting and hollering like nobody’s business.

But when I fell short of my goals (which was just about every single month in the beginning) or tried something that didn’t work as I expected…

I began to doubt myself.

As the doubt creeped in, I questioned if I could help people, if my business would ever take off, or if I would ever make it into the big leagues.

I felt like a schoolgirl, trying to fit into the cool kids club.

What I didn’t realize at the time was this…

Building my dream business would completely transform who I was as a person.

When nobody showed up for my lives (well, actually they were called “teleclasses” back then, ha!) I pretended they did, because I didn’t want to look stupid.

When I went to networking events, I trembled in fear over the idea of speaking in front of a room, secretly hoping to be last (or better yet, forgotten about). And when I finally took my turn, I fumbled through my words, rushed my message, and hurried to sit down again and hide.

But if I wanted that business, I had to keep moving forward.

When I reached out to other coaches online and they didn’t want to have a coffee chat with me, I felt rejected… but I still loved on them and acknowledged them.

When my lead magnet offer fell flat with zero interest… I made another and tried again.

When I wasn’t winning, I didn’t want ANYBODY to know, so I put on a brave face and pretended I had it all together.

No matter what, I kept moving forward.

What I began to realize was that the “doing” activities (you know, the ones that get you out there, get you seen and noticed, and have you adding value) may or may not bring you your desired results…

But every time you have the courage to get out there and do a “doing activity,” you put yourself on the line.

On the line to be accepted or rejected.

To make a difference or fall on your face.

To get a client or miss out on a client.

To become the person who builds your dream business… or not.

It feels all fuzzy and warm when you get the result you want, doesn’t it? I was obsessed with that feeling… but what about when you don’t? When you fail? Ugh, the doubts, fears, and “you’re not good enough” voice creeps in.

When that happens…

When you fall on your face, fail, miss the mark, don’t get the result you wanted, face doubts and fears about yourself and your business…

That’s where the real work begins.

That is when you enter the game: You vs. You.

If you want to know my fail-proof method for winning that game, then tune in tomorrow. I’m going to tell you how I shifted from being a scared entrepreneur who was constantly changing direction and playing small…

To building a 7-figure business and knowing exactly how to create the life and business I want.

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